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Access New Markets

Elevate Your Career

Unlock Global Opportunities with Our CV Translation and Optimization

Expert Translations, Elite Results

Our team is innovative, dedicated and highly talented. We all have extensive work experience in the private and public sector in major global economies from entry level to management positions. We are deeply familiar with hiring processes, CV's, cover letters and delivery of written content. Our goal is to facilitate your needs and help you get your dream job and have a finished product that you are proud of.

Colleagues high-fiving
Image by Viktor Avdeev

Skyrocket Your Job Prospects with Elite

Our offering goes further than optimization and CV translation. We consult our clients, introduce them to popular and industry specific job boards, and can even assist in interview preparation. We help you dream big, feel more confident about your prospects, and arm you with vital language that represents and professionally displays your work experience.

Stunning Eye-Catching Design

We have an in house marketing team that can assist you in crafting an attractive CV. Something that helps you be remembered and grasps the attention of employers. Our philosophy for design is rooted in simplicity, elegance, and originality. Choose from our templates or create your own vision. Elite has the tools, know-how, and customer orientated values to deliver a unique, professional looking CV.

Graphic Design
Colleagues working together

Highlighting Your True Potential

At Elite English, we know a killer CV is the key to unlocking career success. That's why our expert team is relentless in crafting resumes that unleash the full potential of our clients. With a bold, consultative approach, we get to know our clients' career aspirations and design a CV that puts their skills, achievements, and ambitions on full display. Don't settle for a mediocre resume that blends in with the crowd. Let Elite English unleash the real you, and watch as opportunities come knocking.

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